I just had a video call with James Sutton who is serving time in Texas. I asked if I could share a recent letter he sent and he agreed. After being denied parole for the sixth straight time he wrote me the following letter.
After a few short statements of the seeming problems he responds, “I can only put it in God’s hands from this point and pray. So gratitude list.” This list really touched me, not only does he immediately move into the solution but one of his seeming problems (the $163.00) becomes one of the things he is grateful for, talk about a different perspective. Then right after he writes, “I have T-shirts and shoes,” he has the experience of peace. That is what I am talking about! Thank you, James Sutton, for a beautiful demonstration of how easy it can be to ask for a new interpretation despite what we perceive our circumstances to be.
This letter was written a bit before our call and he was in a much different place and was exclaiming things like, “My happiness is not outside these walls, it’s not outside me!” and, “I don’t have to wait to be happy!” Our hour long video visit went by in a flash of appreciation.
And gratitude to God becomes the way in which He is remembered, for love cannot be far behind a grateful heart and thankful mind. ⁷God enters easily, for these are the true conditions for your homecoming. (ACIM, M-23.4:6-7)
I am forever grateful to be part of this healing adventure with James and all of the guys. If you feel inspired to reach out to James you can get his information here.
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