Your donations are most appreciated.
You can mail a check, use Paypal, or inquire about a bank transfer for your convenience. Your contributions help us carry the message of forgiveness to those who find themselves in a state of imprisonment.
Write a check
Donation checks can be sent to:
Last Step, Inc.
2075 Long Hollow Drive
Reno, NV 89521
Donation Checks can be made out to Last Step, Inc.
Please write Donation in the memo.
PayPal offers secure online payments for donations. If you are in the U.S. you will be able to donate directly with your credit card or PayPal account. If you are outside the U.S., you may be asked to log in or to set up a PayPal account. Please note that some countries do not have a credit card option available.
Send money to:
If you would like information about wiring instructions or if you have any questions please email us at
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.